Dear Beloved Melanated Fam Traversing On and Off the Plantation


It’s not you.

I promise

I promise

It is not you.

Don’t you go on swallowing tales that no longer fit this current reality

Tales that suggest 

That it is better to go on swallowing institutional abuses and spirit injuries

That it is better to hold onto years of scapegoating

Years of gaslighting

Years of workplace toxicity

All in the name of racial justice

Social justice

Economic justice




All in the name of keeping a job

All in the name of keeping a paycheck

All in the name of obtaining a “professional title”

All in the name of a degree

All in the name of some grant

These assaults on the spirit

This isn’t something for safekeeping

This isn’t something that warrants our protection

This is about releasing

This is about shedding

This is about releasing fucked up mental cords

That have existed for us Melanated peoples for centuries

The exploitation of our labor, the attacks on our mental health, 

Are being disguised and masqueraded as JUSTICE, as COMMUNITY, as LIBERATION for insert 

Some black population

***IE: Black families who have lost children to police violence

***IE: Black families who are houseless

***IE: Black women who have faced reproductive harm and injustice

***IE: Black and Brown entrepreneurs

The creative force, brilliance, and pure magic of Black folks, Black femmes, queers, working class, neurodivergent, poor, underresourced, uninsured,  and deep feeling Black folks are being snatched! Snatched away to be used on and peppered across a gamut of marketing materials, campaigns, etc for poignant one liners and sound bites. All of this to perform whatever is listed on the mission statement. This is a performance and many of us have been watching behind the scenes for years. 

Performative activism/Performative social justice and diversity branding paired with a commitment to antiquated  white supremacist practices are the perfect breeding ground for spiritual, psychic, physical warfare for ourselves and our Melanated siblings and fam. 

Organizations that scoff at the mention of the word trauma, that fire folks after they have told them they have lost a family member, that fire people without properly training them to begin with….I mean...this aint it. How we ever came to believe for a second that it was is a part of the grand illusion, is a part of the performance. 

Want evidence?

Need testimony?

Listen to any melanated person on their experiences from 2012 - 2021 who isn’t a high profile person.

Who doesn’t have a huge platform, huge following

Who isn’t making book deals

Who isn’t in movies

Listen to the families, 

Blessing to courageous Samaria Rice who lost her 12 years old son tragically after he was executed and shot down within seconds for just being outside. 

Regardless how you feel about her comments made toward high profile folks, The critique on the Non Profit Industrial Complex  is real

Activists are becoming celebrities

The exploitation of families is happening

Is it not???

I want to hear more from us

I always want to hear more from us

The families, the zinesters, the artists, the poets

Those of us who have been cycling on and off the plantation

Those of us recreating and stitching back together identity and boundaries

Those of us working with our grief

We’ve been holding this, speaking on it in little ways here and there

While simultaneously trying to face our shadows

And begin the work again of growing ourselves anew.

Great blessings and deep appreciations to the people who have been speaking on this and providing counter narratives to the mass machine. 

List below of a few writings & talks that have been incredibly affirming and grounding for me (and Im sure others) who are also traversing workplaces, academic spaces or simply just on and off the plantation.

Uses of Anger: Women Responding to Racism

Your Job is Not Your Political Home and That is a Good Thing

Yup. Non-profit culture and performative activism perpetuate ableism and anti-Blackness

Hidden in Plain Sight

The Revolution Will Not Be Funded

New Earth Currencies Zakiya Harris

Left of Black with Alexis de Veaux

Shani Ealey